GS paper 4

Ethics Ethics & Human Interface:
Essence, determinants & consequences of ethics in human actions Dimensions of ethics Ethics in public & private relationships Human values, lessons from lives & teachings of great leaders, reformers & administrators Role of family, society, educational institutions in inculcating Values
content, structure & function; its influence & relation with thought & behaviour; moral & political attitudes Social influence & persuasion
Aptitude & foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality, non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance & compassion towards the weaker sections motional Intelligence: concepts, & their utility & application in administration & governance Contributions of moral thinkers & philosophers from India & world Public/Civil service values & Ethics in Public dministration: Status & problems Ethical concerns & dilemmas in govt & private institutions Laws, rules, regulations & conscience as sources of ethical guidance Accountability & ethical governance,Strengthening of ethical & moral values in governance Ethical issues in international relations & funding Corporate governance
Probity in Governance: Concept of public service Philosophical basis of governance & probity  nformation sharing & transparency in govt, Right to Information Codes of Ethics & Codes of  conduct Citizen's Charters Work Culture Quality of service delivery Utilization of public funds  hallenges of corruption

Following are the book links for Ethics Integrity, Aptitude 

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1. Ethics _ Human Interface
2. Aptitude and Fundamental Value
3. Attitude
4. Emotional Intelligence
5. Civil Service Values _ Ethics - Final Files
6. Probity in Governance - Annexure (Final Files)
7. Contribution of Thinkers  (World) Final files
8. Contritbution_India_Social_Reforms
9. Second ARC - Final File
10. Supplementary  Ethics - Final File

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