Here are the books for Aptitude
-The new Recruitment Process adopted by the UPSC for Civil Services Prelims Exam is called the CSAT or the Civil Services Aptitude Test which came into effect from the Civil Services Examination, 2011.
-The scheme of this examination has been revised for the preliminary examination with the objective of giving a level playing-field to all candidates. In addition to this, changes have been introduced in the Civil Services (Main) Examination w.e.f. year 2013
-Unlike Paper 1 where quantity of questions is a major determinant, Paper 2 has 80 questions and cannot be tamed without solving quality questions.
-Since the preliminary exam in particular is a test of endurance the candidate needs to prepare himself on the physical as well as mental level. The time is the main constraint in solving the questions in Paper 2.
-On an average one gets around 90 seconds for each question. The comprehension section, along with logical reasoning, is the most time consuming section of paper 2. So, one has to judiciously divide one’s time in the examination.
# From the above analysis it can be concluded that there are some important areas like Comprehension, Decision Making, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning which constitute the most significant section of the question paper.
-In terms of Comprehension, Candidates need to improve their comprehension power as Comprehension constitutes half of the paper.
-A comprehension exercise consists of a passage upon
to understand the content of the given text and infer
which questions are set to test the candidate’s ability
information and meaning from it. For doing well in
comprehension one should keep few points in mind while attempting this.
-Logical reasoning and analytical
ability is another important area. It had as many as 13
questions in 2011 exam and candidates are required
to solve problems related to syllogism, sitting
arrangement, series completion, puzzle test, logical
sequence etc.
-In a way preparing well for Paper 2 is a must for
clearing the preliminary examination. One should have
a more focused approach while preparing Paper 2. It
also covers limited sections or topics as compared to Paper 1.
-Paper-1 covers a galaxy of topics ranging from
history to space and science. Statistically also, the
weightage of questions in Paper-2 is more than that of
the questions in Paper-1.
Click the following links to download books (Topic Wise)
Decision Making and Interpersonal Skills(important for civil services)